
Looking for quick and magical results in face and underarm contouring? Discover the magic of Threads treatments at Maple Grove Medical Clinic! Perfect for facial rejuvenation and underarm contouring, Threads lift and tighten your skin with minimal downtime.

The procedure involves inserting dissolvable threads under the skin, stimulating collagen production. Results are visible within weeks and improve over months. It can also be used for brow lift, cheeks, jawline, neck, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, upper arms, abdomen, thighs and buttocks. Threads offer a non-surgical solution to enhance your natural beauty. Book a consultation today and start achieving a youthful, sculpted appearance today!


Available at


Area Price
Face $500
Neck $400
Face & Neck $750
Jawline $350
Under Eye $300
Brow Lift $300
Lip Line $250
Nose Lift $350

If you’re looking to finance the treatment click on this link beautifi/application or scan the QR code for details:
